About Us

WELCOME!  The New Jersey Council of Farmers and Communities is a non-profit organization serving as a liasion between New Jersey Farm families and 35 market members.  Our mission is to support  and strengthen New Jersey communities while protecting and encouraging farming in the Garden State.

In the following pages you will find our  Market Schedule, links to communities featuring NJCFC farmers' markets, newspaper and internet articles regarding markets in New Jersey, as well as contact information for the NJCFC, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, and other pertinent contacts.  If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the council at 609-393-4763. 

Link your site to ours at https://www.jerseyfarmersmarkets.com

The NJCFC is a non-profit organization operating with the cooperation of the NJ Department of Agriculture, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, and the New Jersey Farm Bureau.

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